Why Do We "Face Our Demons"?

Why Do We "Face Our Demons"?

Here we will discuss the logic, practice, and rewards of facing our demons. Why would anyone do that, you ask? I would submit that there are several benefits to facing one's demons. Maybe you might benefit by having less guilt for some past failure. Maybe you struggle with laziness or rage or loss. Whatever struggles you may face, and however difficult these things may make daily life, you CAN overcome them and enjoy more fulfilment. It is simply a matter of taking the proper steps, which I will now explain in detail.

Why Face our Demons?

Many of us suffer from any number of different barriers to our happiness. In some cases, these barriers may come in the form of misconceptions or even some past trauma. Sometimes, we even allow our darker bits too much to reign and we do something we may later come to regret, like hurting or betraying a loved one or friend. These can sometimes be very dark and complex problems. These are our "demons", and we must face them to climb ever further in our journey to enlightenment.

Even if enlightenment is not your goal in life, you can benefit greatly from doing this. Less stress and mental fatigue are just a couple of examples of this. To understand this, let's think of a helium balloon with a string on it. Attached to this string are several small fish weights. One for each "demon" we must release to ascend. Once these weights are released, we can climb to all new heights! This is how we are as spiritual beings. We have to let go of our past to reach a bright new future. ....But how?

Shadow Work as a Journey

The Methods that are Given.

Shamanic tribes have had the answer to this vexing question for hundreds if not thousands of years! There are a few things to look at first. One of the biggest factors of shamanic practice included the use of hallucinogenic herbs. These range from Ayahuasca to Peyote to all sorts of different mushrooms. These are used to bring one's inward, hidden things to the forefront of consciousness to be dealt with.

However, don't start foraging just yet! There's a very important step which cannot be ignored. Cleansing through sweat, smoke, and water are different ways of achieving the same goal. Once this is complete, one can then go on what has been called by many tribes as a vision quest, or spirit quest. This is where a practitioner may be faced with some very deep and sometimes disturbing aspects of one's self. This can be very harrowing for some. It is a noble and difficult task to face one's demon’s and this should not be taken lightly. Is this the only thing one might experience from this method? Of course not! Is this the only way to face one's demons? Of course not!

A Different Way

For those less inclined to go on a psychedelic trip, You might try something more along the lines of meditation. To do this, one should be in a dark, and comfortable place where you can stretch out and be left alone. To start, begin with a relaxation ritual.  From the top of your head, visualize a warm golden light moving from your crown chakra down through the rest of your body. As the light moves through you, you feel any tension, stress and negativity simply melt away like snow on a warm spring day. 

Now that you are well relaxed, let your mind drift into the past. Let images from your memory flash by as different events you have experienced are briefly felt anew. Let your mind stop on a memory that may be painful or some other form of negative influence. This is where the real Challenge begins. Now, you must determine the source, the nature of, and a solution to this "demon" that plagues you. How you do this greatly depends on who you are and what your preferences might be. Something that helps this practitioner is to meditate on my "demon", and the problems it poses as I write out what it is on a small piece of paper or parchment (depending on how fancy I wanna be that day), and burn it in my cauldron.

What's the Difference between

"Facing Demons" and "Shadow Work"?

When facing your demons, you are taking responsibility for your darker aspects, and working through them to become a better person. This helps to evolve us into a more spiritual and positive nature as we resolve our deeper issues. With "shadow work," one is encouraged to accept and embrace those darker, more negative aspects of ourselves.

In my humble opinion, this gives us nothing more than an excuse to do more harm than good. It absolves one of the need to feel responsible for one's actions. For some, this can be acceptable, but again, in my own opinion, this takes you down a potentially very dark path of allowing yourself the room to do that which our deeper morals speak out against.

Shadow Work

What's the Benefit?

Is there any clear benefit to facing one's demons? Apart from feeling better about yourself for being the best person you can be, not only for yourself but also for those you keep close to your heart? Maybe there is a karmic value to working out these things within ourselves. Maybe there are spiritual entanglements that you clear for yourself this way. Perhaps, you find a better path for your life once all the clutter is cleared. At any rate, only you can decide what you get from it. The truth of it is that it is all just another step in our journeys to enlightenment. May your journey continue to reveal new truths about yourself and the universe daily!

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