What is a psychic vampire/attack, and how do I protect myself?

What is a psychic vampire/attack, and how do I protect myself?


Ever have a conversation or interaction with someone and walked away feeling completely drained when you would otherwise be fine? Ever been with someone that makes you pay attention to them, maybe even starts some kind of negative situation, just to be left standing there wondering what just happened?  These are a couple of small examples of how some people, whether aware of it or not, can drain your energy for their own benefit and/or use. And that's what we're discussing today. What is a psychic vampire? What is a psychic attack? How do I protect myself?

What is a Psychic Vampire

This is a concept you may, or may not have heard of before? But, what are they, and how does this even work? A psychic vampire is a person who, consciously or not, feeds on the energy of others around them. This is done through engagement of emotional conversations or situations that are draining to the "victim" over time. Why do this? What purpose does it serve?

Again, whether a person is aware of it or not, they usually utilize this energy by way of thoughtform magick, which is to say that one gathers enough energy to make any imagined thing within the realm of basic reality, a part of reality. This is a form of conjuration and is very elementary and basic. This is why some can do this without even realizing it. Another use for this stolen energy is perhaps for the fun of it. Perhaps the person discovered this technique by accident and finds it quite enjoyable. 

What is a psychic attack?

When someone who knows how to steal energy in this way decides to do so maliciously, this is a psychic attack. People like this will take your energy on purpose for their own ends and goals. These types of psychic vampire can do great damage to a persons personal life by sapping them of energy, disrupting thoughts and patterns in other's lives and even destroying one's sense of self identity.

All of this is for energy through a sense of control. This may seem like simple toxicity in interpersonal relationships, and for all but the energetic and magickal boosts the psychic vampire gets, I would agree. The simple fact is that there are many people out there and whether one is ready to believe it or not, a significant number of them can be at best, parasitic. So, how does one protect themselves from psychic attack?

Some simpler tactics:

There are a multitude of different ways to protect yourself from psychic attack. Depending on your different circumstances and skills/knowledge, the myriad of different spells, charms and incantations can be mind boggling to say the least. Some simpler methods of protection include:

  • Carrying a small piece of iron
  • Wearing a quartz point or pewter protection rune necklace
  • Using a repetitive chant
  • Visualizing a protective sphere around you

Using these methods, one can expect the normal level of psychic attack to be thwarted. However, there are rare, but powerful attacks that may come. How may one defend against things like this?

The serious stuff and how to find it

If you find yourself beset by something greater than your normal nasty attitude, someone is actually attacking you in a psychic capacity, you can employ a different level of defense. I will leave you with a new feature here at Lady of the Moon, a list of resources you can check out and learn for yourself some of the best ways to grow in the magickal arts.

Below is our first reference section in our articles for psychic self defense: 

Practical Protection Magick by Ellen Dugan

Spiritual Cleansings & Psychic Defenses by Robert Laremy


The GOOD stuff.

With what we've discussed, how can I leave you with nothing to help with the bigger stuff? Try looking at the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP).  You'll want to have a strong imagination for this as Visualization is a big part of what you will be doing. (Who knew your imagination would come in handy, eh?) You can get a more detailed version of this to improve it's effectiveness, but in a pinch, to help you get through:


Visualize a point of light at the forehead. Touch it with the first two fingers of your right hand and say:


Draw this light in a line down to your feet with your fingers in a point. Say:


Draw this light in such a way as to form the equilateral arm of a cross to your right shoulder. Say:


Now draw this light to your left shoulder to complete an equilateral cross of light to your left shoulder. Say:


Clasp your hands at your chest as if in prayer and visualize an explosion of pure light where you are emanating from the cross of light before you as you say:


At this point, you should feel a difference in the air. Again, this is only the beginning of a larger, much more effective ritual, even so, this will afford you surprisingly strong defensive effect. Once the whole rite is learned, you can protect your space with a magickal authority you may have never felt before....but most certainly can feel again.


 From here

There are any number of different psychic attacks you're now prepared for. You can defend yourself and those close to you with these methods. From here, go forward and continue to learn. Grow in the magickal arts and heal the earth and each other. 

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