How do I decide which Gods to follow?

How do I decide which Gods to follow?

When one first thinks about pagan religion, they may first think about the number of gods that path may have, and which one to choose. This can almost be stressful if you don't know enough. So, how DOES one go about choosing one or two deities out of a list of them? That's what we're discussing today. I'd like to first say, every person will have their own journey to make and my way is NOT the be all/end all. Use my method as a guide. Use it for ideas. Do as you wish, but after reading this article, you'll at least have a better idea where to start.

First, where are you from?

Everywhere you go in the world has it's own religious system from ancient times. For North America, it's Native Americans. For Australia, it's the Aborigines. For Norway, Scandinavia and more, it's the old way of the Vikings. It can be quite a task figuring out where one fits in this huge cultural mosaic. Some do not know what their roots are in this convoluted world of ours. If you know where you are from, this part is easy. Finding your roots can invariably shorten your path to choosing the right gods for you. If you do not know your roots, simply go with the place where you are. this will help also. 

From there how do I narrow it down?

If you've made it this far, you've done great! Now to figure out exactly which deities to follow out of the pantheon you've now arrived at. Many gods have this much in common...they are all god of SOMETHING. What 1 or 2 values mean the most to you? Lets look at a familiar example. If you're interested in the Greek gods for instance, you might choose a god and a goddess. This practitioner enjoys utilizing balance in his practice, so I might choose Aphrodite and Ares. Their attributes nicely balance each other, so you can see how that might work. But what about in the case of, say, the Hindu religion with their thousands of deities? Paths like this are ancient and many of their deities have similar purposes. For this, it is admittedly a little harder. You see, when there is this much to look at, one must diligently get to know as many as one can.

Other ways to approach it...

There are some places where simply being born to a family places you firmly in the hands of one god or another. Yet still, there are places where the village one lives in decides this. The method you use to find your deity/deities is ultimately up to you. Something to remember is that since you're choosing something as meaningful and sacred as a deity, be sure your method is also meaningful. When you put a great deal in, you get a great deal out. The choosing of a spiritual path is very important because this influences a part of who you are and will later become. It helps to develop who we are to people around us and can make saints or devils out of us. 

What to look out for...

Always be on the look out for that which is not real that tries to look real. What I mean by that is that there are those that would deceive others out of money, information, influence, etc. In a perfect world, no one would be worried about such things, but in a perfect world, who needs gods? Take precautions to guard yourself from deceivers by asking lots of questions, checking then double checking information you're given, and make sure the deity you choose represents the things you think they do. 

With what you've learned here, you can choose which deities to follow with more confidence. Remember that Gods and Goddesses are not there to magically solve your problems. They are a way of making sense of primordial energies and influences that would otherwise go completely misunderstood or looked over all together. Choose wisely, and practice your craft responsibly. 

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