Healing crystals, why use them anyway?!

Healing crystals, why use them anyway?!

Since they were discovered in paleolithic times by our long lost ancestors, crystals have been used for an absolute myriad of different things from aiding in fertility to storing energy for later use. In this article, I plan to share with you some of the modern uses of several different crystals commonly found today.

The first thing to know is that every crystal has it's own vibrational frequency that can easily be measured and quantified. This is how a quartz watch is so dependable! These frequencies can have multiple different effects depending on which crystal you're using and what, if any, combinations of crystals/frequencies are being used. 

Crystals for Anxiety

These days, there are any number of horrific events, stressors, and generally negative stimuli, that it can be hard to imagine a stress free day or even a moment. There are ways to use crystals for this very purpose, however, that are simple and easy to remember.

Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, and Rose Quartz are great for anxiety. And, the best part is that there are all sorts of ways to do it too. You can take one of these and clutch it in your hand, focusing on it and allowing the vibrations from these calming crystals to bring you into a calmer state. 

Another useful way to use crystals like this is to have a larger one you might place on a table before you. Perhaps you'd put a small LED light under it to radiate a warm glow of light to help facilitate a calming atmosphere as you reach your hands towards the crystal so it's vibrations can directly interact with your aura. 

Crystals for Depression

The things we face in life can be too much for some to bear without the difficulty of depression added in. Sometimes, we find ourselves in that dark night of the soul which crushes us with intense feelings of hopelessness, and an unwillingness to partake in even the simplest of daily activities. 

There are crystals that can assist with breaking the chains and releasing all of the negativity that weighs us down. Citrine, Tiger's Eye, and Carnelian are great crystals for this, as their fiery energy inspires us to rise from the pit and reignites in us a sense of warmth and hope. 

Use these crystals in much the same way as previously mentioned, or even try just staring deep into these active, high frequency crystals to feel their influence. You may feel inspiration after a few minutes to go do something. It's always a good idea to follow pro-active, healthy, positive inspirations when they come.

Crystals for Healing

These crystals won't grow back a limb or make a bruise go away, but they may influence healing on smaller levels such as spiritual, emotional, or even psychological pain and suffering. Crystals such as Chrysocolla, Jade, and Celestite are some of many known crystals that can help bring about a measure of help. 

These can be used in much the same ways as the others, or you can also try applying a small measure of heat to the crystals. heat is another means of increasing the frequency or vibration of crystals.

This would be accomplished best by placing the crystal in the center of a bowl of sand or salt, and surrounding it with 3-4 sticks of incense buried up to the end of the incense itself. As the incense burns closer to the crystal, the heat will increase the frequency or vibration of the crystal, activating it.


Another helpful idea is to incorporate sound into the use of crystals. Bells, chimes, singing bowls, and different types of spiritual music can all be useful to raise the vibrational qualities of crystals. Light can also play a part. By incorporating several different elements into your practice with crystals, you can increase the influences they grant. 

In Closing

Now, you've not only been introduced to several healing crystals, but have also been shown a few different ways to use them. Remember that what you see here is far from all you can do. Be creative and try new things. Always come from a place of positivity and love, and you can't go wrong. 

WARNING: This is NOT medical advice and should not be taken as such. I am NOT a medical professional, and if you are having medical problems, you should seek the assistance of a professional.

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